128 research outputs found

    Infrared Screening of Residential Buildings for Energy Audit Purposes: Results of a Field Test

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    Abstract: In the European Union (EU), the building sector is responsible for approximately 40% of total energy consumption. The existing building stock is inefficient and can, and indeed must be retrofitted to address this issue. The practical implementation of the European strategies requires knowledge of the energy performance of existing buildings through energy audit techniques. Application of thermography in the fields of energy are very widespread, since, through such a non-invasive investigation, and through correct interpretation of infrared images, it is possible to highlight inefficiencies in buildings and related facilities. The paper shows and discusses the results of an infrared audit campaign on 14 existing buildings located in Milan Province (Italy) made in different construction periods and characterised, therefore, by different building technologies. The U-values obtained in an indirect way through the thermography of the opaque walls of the buildings investigated, were compared with the actual known values in order to verify the reliability of the method and the possible margin of error. The study indicated that the category of buildings in which the application of this method is sufficiently reliable is that of solid-mass structure buildings, the most widespread in Italy, whereas in the case of buildings whose external walls are insulated, the percentage of deviation is very high

    A Practical Review to Support the Implementation of Smart Solutions within Neighbourhood Building Stock

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    The construction industry has witnessed an increase in the use of digital tools and smart solutions, particularly in the realm of building energy automation. While realising the potential benefits of smart cities, a broader scope of smart initiatives is required to support the transition from smart buildings towards smart neighbourhoods, which are considered critical urban development units. To support the interplay of smart solutions between buildings and neighbourhoods, this study aimed to collect and review all the smart solutions presented in existing scientific articles, the technical literature, and realised European projects. These solutions were classified into two main sections, buildings and neighbourhoods, which were investigated through five domains: building-energy-related uses, renewable energy sources, water, waste, and open space management. The quantitative outcomes demonstrated the potential benefits of implementing smart solutions in areas ranging from buildings to neighbourhoods. Moreover, this research concluded that the true enhancement of energy conservation goes beyond the building’s energy components and can be genuinely achieved by integrating intelligent neighbourhood elements owing to their strong interdependencies. Future research should assess the effectiveness of these solutions in resource conservation

    Conto Energia: avanti tutta!

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    1.1 Strategie comunitarie di indirizzo per promuovere la certificazione energetica 1.2 La normativa tecnica europea e nazionale 1.3 La certificazione energetica nel'Unione Europea 1.4 La certificazione energetica in Italia: esperienze locali e regionali 1.5 Il recepimento nazionale della Direttiva EPB


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    Una mostra nella mostra, un punto di arrivo per lo stato dell’arte del meglio del mercato ma, soprattutto, un punto di partenza per riflettere sull’opportunità di utilizzare fin da oggi queste soluzioni per affrontare le sfide che ci attendono


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    La legge del 6 agosto 2008 non cancella l'obblkigo di produrre la certificazione energetica, ma solo di allegarla negli atti di compravendita e locazione

    Capitolo 4 - Efficienza energetica in edilizia

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    Il capitolo tratta il tema dell’efficienza energetica in edilizia. In particolare considera gli effetti che la nuova direttiva 2010/31/CE avrà sia sul patrimonio edilizio nuovo, sia su quello esistente, considerando le opportunità del mercato ma allo stesso tempo analizzando i possibili elementi di criticità che possono derivare da un recepimento nazionale della direttiva che non tenga conto della reale situazione


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    2.1 Impostazione metodologica della certificazione energetica 2.2 I diversi approcci metodologici: operational rating, asset rating 2.3 Calcolo delle prestazioni energetiche: climatizzazione invernale, climatizzazione estiva, acqua calda sanitaria 2.4 Definizione degli indicatori prestazionali 2.5 Criteri di classificazione della qualità energetica e attestat


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    Nell'Energy Audit, ma anche nella gestione energetica degli edifici, il confronto degli indicatori prestazionali reali con indicatori di benchmark consente di definire degli obiettivi e pianificare delle strategie d'intervento. I benchmark però devono essere costruiti in modo corretto ma, cosa ancora più importante, devono essere utilizzati con competenza. Un approfondimento tecnico su questo importante strumento per confrontare le prestazioni e migliorare la sostenibilità
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